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Historic investment banking transactions

2013 Treatt plc secondary placing of 33% shareholding (£16m)
2012 Arena Leisure plc £160m auction - sold to Reuben Brothers (scheme cash offer)
2012 Harvard International plc £22m sold to Chengdu Geeya Technology China (cash offer)
2012 Havelock Europa plc £16m sale of print division to LDC following auction process (auction)
2012 Enteq plc £40m equity placing and $50m acquisition of XXT (reverse IPO)
2012 Booker plc £150m acquisition of Makro UK from Metro AG
2011 Enteq plc £16m cash box IPO
2011 SeaEnergy plc £7m cash return
2011 Park Plaza plc move from AIM to Official List
2011 Carrs Milling Industries plc £17m sale of Fertiliser Division
2010 Creston plc £12m acquisition of Cooney Walters Inc
2010 Helphire plc Debt advisory
2010 Booker plc move from AIM to the Official List
2010 Gooch & Housego plc £10.6m equity placing and £6.3m acquisition of EM4 Inc
2009 Crawshaw plc acquisition and £6m equity placing (reverse IPO and whitewash)
2009 Harvard International plc £10m sale of property portfolio
2009 Enova Systems plc £7m equity placing
2008 Alba plc £25m sale of Grundig JV
2008 Alba plc £15m sale of trademarks and £15m return of cash
2008 Vega plc £60m offer from Finmeccanica (cash offer)
2008 Halfords plc £70m acquisition of Nationwide Auto Centres
2008 Plasmon plc £6m equity placing
2007 Sondex plc £300m offer from GE following auction process (scheme cash offer)
2007 Sportech plc £50m acquisition of Vernons and £35m equity placing
2007 Booker plc reverse into Blueheath and £80m placing (reverse IPO and whitewash)
2007 Alba plc £54m sale of Pulse Entertainment
2007 Care UK plc £40m placing and £80m acquisition of Tribal H’care
2007 Plasmon plc £6m placing
2007 Private company cash offer £600m (consumer sector)
2007 Land of Leather plc £14m equity placing
2006 Richmond Foods plc £160m offer from Oaktree (scheme cash offer)
2006 Plasmon plc £7m equity placing
2005 Peacocks plc £500m offer from Och Ziff / Perry / G.Sachs (scheme cash offer)
2005 Land of Leather plc £77m IPO and £38m equity placing
2005 Reed Healthcare plc £20m offer from Reed Group (hostile cash offer)
2005 Plasmon plc £6m equity placing
2005 International Energy Group Ltd £165m offer from Babcock & Brown (Guernsey scheme)
2004 Fusion Oil & Gas plc £30m offer from Sterling Energy plc (hostile cash offer)
2004 Hercules plc £60m offer from Erinaceous Group plc (share offer)
2004 ADSCIT plc £60m offer from SSMCIT plc (S110 scheme cash and shares liquidation)
2003 KSS plc sale of business and voluntary liquidation
2003 Allders plc £70m offer from Crimson Retail (cash offer)